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Some updates

I've made some small updates to the blog.

Header with Font Awesome

With kind the kind help from I managed to tweak the Nikola theme I'm using to replace the text links in the header to Font Awesome icons. This was done by merging some functionality from the 'zen' theme into the 'hack' theme and then mucking around with the CSS to make it look OK. It's not perfect but it's a start. I know next to nothing about CSS so this is unexplored territory for me. I have published the modified 'hack' theme in a github repository.


I now have a page with some contact information.


I've also added page with some links.

Onion Service

If you for reason would like to visit this website without leaving the Tor network I've set up a onion service:


Beware that Font Awesome is loaded from an external page.

Injecting old posts

I took the liberty of inserting some old posts from an old now defunct blog. All entries published before 2019-09-11 20:16 are from this old blog.


Finally, there is also a link to my github page in the header.

So far its not very interesting and just embarrassing since I've only populated it with low hanging fruit so far but I intend to get better at programming and maybe start contributing to some project in the future.